Can you state what your business does in one sentence? 
Can you describe how your business does what you do in a sentence? 
Can you say why your company exists in a single sentence? 

Articulating these three sentences can alter your company in remarkable ways. Knowing what you do is one thing. Being able to say it succinctly is another. Knowing how you do it and being able to state it clearly are often elusive. Knowing why you do it and being able to tell your employees and your customers will set you apart. 

To begin, start with a three-minute exercise: 
1. Take one minute to write down what your company does in one sentence. Don’t over think it. Don’t worry about the wording.
2. Take the second minute to write down how you do it in one sentence. Again, no over-thinking. 
3. Take the third minute and write down why you think your business exists. If you don’t know why it exists, write down why you work there. 

The benefits of this work is simple: congruence. A business that is in alignment has a more effective and committed workforce; it has a more loyal customer base. Congruence is a key ingredient to building a business with thriving culture.  

“People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.”  Simon Sinek