STUCK is when you can only see one way forward—and it’s not the route you want to take
STUCK is when you have many options—and the thought of choosing paralyzes you
STUCK is when you’re doing what you’re told to do—and not what needs to be done
STUCK is when you know things aren’t working—and can’t step back far enough to see why
STUCK is when you make a start—and then don’t follow through on what needs to be done
STUCK is when you see what needs to be done—but you make an easier choice
STUCK is when you’re doing it all on your own—and it’s wearing you out
STUCK is when you’re waiting to be rescued—and your superhero isn’t showing up
STUCK is when you know what to do—and can’t see how to do it
STUCK is when you don’t know what to do—and can’t quite define the problem
STUCK is when you’ve secretly given up—and you’re still in the race
STUCK is when you’re running flat-out—and you know you’re in the wrong race
STUCK is when you’ve got big dreams—and you’re too afraid to chase them
STUCK is when you don’t have big dreams—and you feel empty

Michael Bungay Stanier

from Lance Odegard & Unstucking