Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.

We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to something
unknown, something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability—
and that it may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you;
your ideas mature gradually—let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.

Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming within you will be.
Give Our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ


I was standing in the galley of a plane with a rabbi at 2AM when I learned what my name meant.

Rabbi Ben had joined me in the rear galley of the plane. I was stretching my six-foot frame from sitting in the 24-inch cell we call “Coach”. We were halfway across the Atlantic Ocean and hours away from Tel Aviv.

“You’re such a downer”, he said it and then let out a deep chuckle, the kind you’d expect from a rabbi telling a joke. He could tell immediately I had missed the joke completely. “You don’t know what your names means. Do you?”

At this point I’m thinking a few things. One, I’m not certain I want to learn what my names means at 2AM in the galley of a plane from a rabbi and two, I desperately want to know what my name means.

My parents had told me the story of how my name came to me. It was a collision of my father watching country westerns and reading the genealogies in Genesis. It all makes perfect sense if you’re the son of a Baptist preacher born in Oklahoma.

Jarrod Barkley (spelled J-A-R-R-O-D) was the eldest son of the family in the western show The Big Valley. He was educated and refined and handled all of the family's business affairs. Jarrod preferred the law to settle disputes, but was known to resort to frontier justice when necessary.

Jared, (spelled J-A-R-E-D) was the great-great-grandson of Seth, the son of Adam. Like Adam and Eve son of Adam. Bible Jared has a son whose name is Enoch. And, Enoch is the one who walked with God. So, my parents are thinking he has to be a good dad. And it’s really not important, but incase you get stumped in Bible trivia I’ll mention that Jared’s grandson is Methuselah. Who’s that? He is the longest-living human mentioned in the Bible with an age of 969 years.

Of course my parents chose Jared, J-A-R-E-D, the biblically accurate one.

My parents gave me a little plaque when I was in grade school. It has my name written in that Old English handwriting and under my name it has the meaning “God’s Descendent.” That’s what I’m holding on to in the galley.

Honestly, the only liability I saw with my name as a kid is I could never find it on the little license plates in the stores in Estes Park when my family was on summer vacation. I had only met one other Jared, we were in college together, but he spelled his name wrong, he was R-O-D, the western, not the biblical, chosen one like me.

Rabbi Ben looks at me and begins. “Your name, Yared, is like the river, the Yardan.” It’s 2AM but I’m keeping up. Yared = Hebrew of Jared, Yardan = Hebrew of Jordan. The Jordan the river that goes down from the Galilee to the Dead Sea. He sees I’m tracking. He continues, “Yared is the man who goes down, the man who falls down. Yared, you are a downer.” He let’s out another deep chuckle. “Such a downer.”

I’m thinking I’m in the galley of an international flight, above an ocean, hours away from a cigarette, and there’s a whole tray full of mini Jack Daniel’s right here.

An uninvited tear enters the corner of my eye. I think Rabbi Ben notices it. He is softer, for a rabbi, and he continues. “The picture of who you are is in three men.” I’m thinking I should have my journal to write this down. Ends up I could not forget all this even if I tried.

“Joseph, he is the man who goes down into the well, goes down into Egypt, goes down into prison.” I nod slowly. I know the story.

“Jonah, he is the man who is thrown down into the water and then is swallowed by the fish.” I know this story too. I never thought as a kid that Jonah would end up causing me so much heartache as an adult.

“Jesus, he is the man who they lay down in the grave.” This shit just got real. Who does this? Who uncorks this kind of meaning on someone in a plane galley at 2AM?

“That’s who you are. You are Yared. You go down.”

Well, fish, grave. You have to give it to God, He is great with word pictures.

I spent the next decade being the man who falls down.
The man who falls down is the man whose churches attendance dissolves.
The man who falls down is the man whose marriage ends in divorce.
The man who falls down is the man who slowly comes to trust that identity is not found not in the ascent, but in the descent.  

“That’s who you are. You are Yared. You go down.”

I return to my 24-inch Coach cell. I stare out the plane window. It’s still hours before the plane will descend.

That flight was over ten years ago. But Rabbi Ben’s words leave a lasting wound.

Years later I’m remembering the plane, the galley, and the conversation. It is early. The predawn light is coming in the window. I am sitting on the couch with a candle, coffee, and quiet.

And then, as unexpectedly as finding out what my name meant on the plane the meaning of my name is redeemed.

“You are the man who falls down.” I breathe. I listen.

It starts with a trickle, then begins to flow into a stream, now a river. Just like the River Yardan. “You are the man who falls down.” The “you” has moves and I see.

Jesus, You are the man who falls down carrying the cross. But bigger and before and beyond that act You are the God-man who comes down. The incarnation, God becoming man, is the ultimate picture of Yared, “the man who goes down”. The greatest of descents was from beyond the cosmos to created dirt.

I breathe. I remember. Redemption comes at a price. Something has to be given up.

What have I given up?
I’ve given up being the man who wants to always be moving up.
I’ve given up being the man who never falls down.
I’ve given up believing there is any other way to know who you truly are than to go descend.

I never would have thought my B-list Bible celebrity name could mean so much.

Yared. I am one who goes down.

I sometimes imagine being back in the galley of a plane with Rabbi Ben. I’d thank him for his untimely joke and his deep chuckle about being me being such a downer. I imagine pulling out two minis from the tray and saying, “How about a toast? To the ones who go down!”

Jared Ray Mackey


“My sister Susan is no longer a friend of Narnia.”  

“Whenever you’ve tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia she says, ‘What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.’”

”She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up.”  

“Grown-up indeed. I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she’ll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one’s life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can.” 

C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle



My Meeting Checklist:

  1. I prayed for the person and our meeting

  2. I prepared for at least five minutes prior to the meeting

  3. I talked for less than 50% of the meeting

  4. I elevated the dialogue - the conversation was uplifting or life giving

  5. I connected on a personal level (Spiritual, Personal, Relational, Vocational)

  6. I documented the key points of the meeting and person (journal, digital)

  7. I sent follow up correspondence (text, email, letter)

Chris Horst, VP of Development for HOPE International


Remain in me
that's what you say
The reality is few
choose to stay

The heart shares, sees
joys, sunrises, sorrow, pain
Shares each of these
with another that
And does not remain

What pulls the roots
What shifts the tide
What makes it impossible
to remain by your side

Weights of loss and
mirages of maybes
move a life, remove a life
Away from
where it once lived
and grew
and loved

Remain in me
is what you say
To be here
alone, never alone
is to begin
yet again
to remain  

Jared Ray Mackey


Don't do it. Get out of it any way you can for both yourselves. You would never dream where the path you have chosen is going to lead you. 

So how can I wish undone the thing they are on the threshold of doing without wishing myself undone? I would have not missed the shot at the world that their misalliance gave me. 

Frederick Buechner, The Eyes of the Heart


What are you looking for?
Come and you will see.

This is the work of God.
That you trust in the one He sent.

If you are thirsty come to me.
Out of you will flow rivers of living water.

If you follow me you will not be in the dark.
You will have the light of life.

Make my word your home.

Unless I wash you,
You have nothing in common with me.

Whoever receives the one I send, receives me.
Whoever receives me, receives the one who sent me.

Don’t let your heart be troubled.
Trust in God. Trust also in me.

Peace I leave you.
My peace I give you.

The world will not see me.
You will see me.

I am the vine, you are the branches.
Remain in me and you will bear much fruit.
Apart from me you can do nothing.

As the Father loves me, I love you.
Live in my love.

I want you to have my joy to the full.

This is my command,
Love one another.

You will have trouble, but take courage.
I have overcome the world.

Receive my Holy Breath.

Blessed are those who do not see,
But trust.

Do you love me?
Feed my sheep.

Don’t worry about him.
You follow me.

The words of Jesus found in the Gospel of John.
Initial version from Fr. Vince Hovley, S.J. at
Sacred Heart Retreat Center


May you come to know the Christian faith as everyday language, where grace is a tangible reality, and where love is known as the beginning and the end.

May you come to know the story of God’s love through the stories of Scripture and the lives of your parents, family, and faith community.

May you come to know the value of prayer as you listen for God’s voice and look for His lead.

May you come to have a foundation of the faith that allows you to discover and develop your own deeply held belief and relationship with God.

May you always know that you as a child of God; that you are His child before anyone else.

May your parents care for you, love you, guide you, and walk beside you through your journey of life and faith from this day until their last.

May you live a life of blessing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.